WQLN PBS Passport
Support your local station and get extended access to your favorite PBS shows & films.
Support Your Local Community
Contribute a tax-deductible gift of $5 per month or an annual gift of $60 or more. Your donation will help WQLN serve your community through media that stimulates, enriches, educates, and entertains the public.
Get Extended Access to PBS Shows & Films
Stream more of your favorite PBS shows online and on the PBS App with WQLN PBS Passport.
- Watch new specials and currently airing PBS shows
- Stream on PBS.org and the PBS App on all devices
- Enjoy Live TV from your local station
- Catch-up on the latest news and public affairs programs like PBS NewsHour and Frontline
- Watch new specials and currently airing PBS shows
- Stream on PBS.org and the PBS App on all devices
- Enjoy Live TV from your local station
- Catch-up on the latest news and public affairs programs like PBS NewsHour and Frontline
- Get extended access to past seasons of PBS shows like NOVA and Great Performances
- Stream early releases of new series like All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece
- Binge watch your favorite PBS shows like Downton Abbey on Masterpiece and Ken Burns films
If you’re a current member you should have already received an activation email from PBS on behalf of WQLN. If you never received this email, click Don't Know Your Code? to make sure that we have the correct email on file or click Update Your Member Email to update our records. If you don’t receive an email in your inbox, check your spam and junk email folders or call membership at 814-217-6052. If you are a new or lapsed member, begin using WQLN PBS Passport by making a yearly tax-deductible contribution of $60 or more (or an ongoing contribution of $5 or more per month, as a sustaining member). Donations from members provide vital support to WQLN here in our community!
Once you complete the activation process, you will be directed to log into PBS.org. Save this login and password information to continue to sign in and access Passport video at pbs.org/video/. To sign in on the Passport video page, click the icon in the top left corner and select "Sign In."
Need Passport Help? Check out FAQs at PBS.org or call Passport Tech Support at 1-855-996-9756, Monday-Friday, 10am-11pm