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WQLN’s Great TV Auction Is Back!

How many years have you been watching WQLN’s Great TV Auction? Settling in for this entertaining television event has become a tradition for many people in our region. This is the 54th year for our signature fundraiser, and it keeps getting bigger and better!

Every year there are new items, as well as some oldies but goodies, home décor items, lawn and garden pieces, appliances, gift cards, and more! There is even wine, beer, and distilled spirits from old and new wineries and breweries. But you must tune in to see all the amazing items up for auction with your own eyes!

First things first though. You need a Bid Express number to join in the fun. It’s like a number paddle at a live auction, and it has all your information to make the bidding process faster and easier. So, if you want to be a winner during this year’s auction, get one today at www.WQLN.org/Auction!

And don’t miss this year’s televised auction on WQLN PBS 54.1, and on WQLN.org, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. each night from Thursday, May 18 through Sunday, May 21. Thousands of items have been donated from around the region and across the nation and will be auctioned to high bidders at a great value. On average, items sell for 50-60% of their retail value. Viewers can snag deals on skiing, golfing, and camping packages, theater tickets, spa certificates, hotel stays, and an abundance of local restaurant gift certificates. Proceeds from the WQLN Great TV Auction support programming on WQLN PBS NPR. This is thanks to the donors and major sponsors.

Updated: May 10, 2023 at 9:36 AM EDT
WQLN's Great TV Auction has been canceled for Wednesday May 17. WQLN will air regularly scheduled programing in it's place.

7pm - PBS NewsHour
8pm - Wild Scandinavia
9pm - Nova
10pm - Iconic America